Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Take your money out of the fucking bank.
Put it in a local Credit Union.
Stop giving them what they want.
Cash your stocks out.
Stop buying their products.
No more cel-phones. No more ipods. We lived without these things for centuries, we should be able to figure out how to get by for a short while.
Stop supporting this system of iniquity.
It doesn't have to be forever. If this was done for one month then what would "they" do?
Who are "they?"
Have we met the enemy only to find it is us?
Are we the tools? Maybe the things that are happening are happening because we asked for it? Is the technology running us now?
Here's a random thought that relates:
There is an ongoing debate as to whether video games are becoming too realistically violent. Why isn't the question about the environment that generates the want for the violence? Supply and demand anyone?
I have a dream, one day people will actually possess something that could pass for reasonable intelligence. Yeah, it's a dream...